And Then There Were None
with free Audiobook
(Step 3 - Preliminary and Trinity: Level B1.2)

Ten strangers are invited to a beautiful house on Soldier Island. Then one of them is murdered…

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Step 3 - Preliminary and Trinity: Level B1.2

Status: Neu | Verlag: Black Cat | Sprache: English | Altersstufe: Oberstufe, Lehrer, Erwachsene | Niveau: B1 | Format: Taschenbuch | Kategorie: Lektüre | Thema: Krimi

Ten strangers are invited to a beautiful house on Soldier Island. Then one of them is murdered. They learn that they cannot leave the island, and nobody is as innocent as they seem. They are all in danger because a killer is playing a game with them. But who is it?
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