What is it?:
What is it? is a photo card game which helps students learn new words, describe everyday objects and talk about the materials they are made of.
Language Objectives:
The game helps players to increase their vocabulary, develop their ability to describe everyday objects and talk about different types of materials.
The game can also be used to practise interrogative, affermative and negative verb forms.
The game consists of:
• 132 cards divided into two decks containing 55 cards, one deck of cards with photos of objects and a deck of clue cards with 5 clues on each card to help guess the object, 11 material cards and 11 help cards providing suggestions for possible questions and answers
• the instruction booklet with instructions and suggestions for a series of games and activities in the classroom, at home with friends or during online lessons
• a video tutorial available on line, on the ELI multi-media channel

What is it?
A matching and describing card game to learn new wordsmand describe everyday objects
(Pre-intermediate to intermediate level, A2-B1)
What is it? is a photo card game which helps students to increase their vocabulary, develop their ability to describe everyday objects and talk about different types of materials.
The game can also be used to practise interrogative, affermative and negative verb forms.
€24.50inkl. MwSt. (zzgl. Versandkosten)
Pre-intermediate to intermediate level, A2-B1
Pre-intermediate to intermediate level, A2-B1
Verlag: ELI Publishing | Thema: Wortschatz, Verben, Alltag | Status: Neu | Sprache: English | Altersstufe: Volksschule, Unterstufe, Oberstufe, Lehrer, Erwachsene | Niveau: A2, B1 | Kategorie: Sprachspiel | Format: Spiel
Let's play in English
- What is it? (978-88-536-3846-5)
- The Idioms Game (978-88-536-3851-9)
- The Emotions game (978-88-536-3436-8)
- Let’s talk! (978-88-536-3431-3)
- Adjectives & Opposites (978-88-536-2817-6)
- English Paperchase (978-88-536-1931-0)
- Question Chain (978-88-536-0468-2)
- Who’s Who? (978-88-536-3441-2)
- Who’s Who? (978-88-536-1170-3)
- The Great Verb Game (978-88-8148-310-5)
- The Animal Kingdom (978-88-536-2281-5)
- Pack your bag! (978-88-536-1926-6)
- My Shopping List (978-88-536-1367-7)
- Verb Bingo (978-88-536-1175-8)
- Picture Bingo (978-88-536-2579-3)
- Picture Bingo (978-88-8148-305-1)
- (No title) (978-88-8148-074-6)
- (No title) (978-88-536-2801-5)
- Let’s Party! (978-88-536-0473-6)
- The Busy Day Dominoes (978-88-536-2584-7)
- The Busy Day Dominoes (978-88-8148-300-6)
- (No title) (978-88-536-2812-1)
- (No title) (978-88-8148-079-1)
- The Grammar Tree (978-88-536-3426-9)
- Famous People from the English-speaking world (978-88-536-3002-5)
- Triboo (978-88-536-3007-0)
- The Story Maker. (Pre-intermediate to intermediate level, A2-B1). (978-88-536-2997-5)
- Fairy Tales in Games (978-88-536-3012-4)
- Around the city (978-88-536-2601-1)
- Roundtrip of USA (978-88-536-2290-7)
- Play for the Planet (978-88-536-2286-0)
- How are you? (978-88-536-2276-1)
- Sentence Maker (978-88-536-1674-6)
Größe | 216 mm |